From Gettysburg to Calvary
My wife and I had an opportunity to visit the Gettysburg Battlefield last year. My wife is somewhat of a civil war buff, so we spent 3 days exploring the area. My sister and her family visited the site just a few weeks ago and it got me to thinking about my experience there.
I’d like to share a few thoughts with you that might be of value in your spiritual journey.
A bit of historical background
For those who are not familiar, Gettysburg was the location of one of the most intense and bloodiest battles of the Civil War in the United States. The battle took place from July 1-3, 1863.
Somewhere between 46,000 and 51,000 men were either wounded or killed in the course of those three days. Over 7,000 died on the battlefield.
The battlefield is approximately 17.75 square miles in size.
When you stand on the points called Little Round Top and the location of Pickett’s Charge you get a sweeping view of the battlefield. The magnitude of the battle becomes very real.
You can almost imagine the thousands of soldiers locked in hand-to-hand combat, bullets rushing past their heads, artillery rounds exploding all around them. Friends and enemies falling on every side, either wounded or dead.
For what purpose?
Then President, Abraham Lincoln, framed the war as a battle for Freedom and Democracy.
Those in the South saw the war as a battle to preserve their lifestyle, which included the use of slaves for financial gain. Southerners generally viewed the war as “The War of Aggression” from the United States government.
One of the main focuses of the Civil War in America was the issue of freeing the slaves of the South. It was not the only reason for the war, but it has become the best known aspect of the war.
Although slavery has been documented throughout human history, I personally cannot understand how anyone could think it is OK for any human being to own other human beings.
However, each side, North and South, approached the battle with passion and dedication. Each side believed itself to be right and people were willing to give their lives for their cause.
Today, we give thanks to our military men and women who defend the ideals of freedom and democracy and protect our country from those who seek to do us harm.
Many have sacrificed their lives on our behalf and on behalf of people around the world.
We honor those sacrifices, and rightly so. But, there is something else to consider…
Results of the Battle
At Gettysburg, General Lee was forced to retreat. It was a huge turning point in the war, eventually leading to the surrender of the Southern Army.
As a result, the slaves were freed from bondage and ownership.
This doesn’t mean that all of the injustice stopped. People found a way to keep them oppressed for many years. In recent years, there has been much debate over whether things are equal, equitable and fair.
I would say, we still have work to do.
My observation
As I stood on the battlefield at Gettysburg, a thought crossed my mind.
The place where I was standing had once been a place of death and destruction. Over 7,000 lives were lost on the battlefield. Thousands of others were wounded and possibly died from their wounds at a later time.
Today, it is a place of remembrance. Dare I say, it is a peaceful place. A place you can visit to reflect on what it means to sacrifice. A place to remember how great a price has been paid for our freedom and the freedom of others around the world.
My mind drifted to all of the lives that have been sacrificed in the World Wars and other civil wars through the ages.
Approximately 620,000 lives were lost in the American Civil War alone.
World War I – 20 million deaths, 21 million wounded
World War II – by closest count 75 million deaths and casualties
Korean War – over 2 million
Vietnam War – 1.3 million deaths
And somewhere close to 5 million deaths in the wars that have occurred since the Sept, 11 attacks in the US.
Millions of people have died in war.
Statistics I have read indicate that there are somewhere between 40-60 million people who die every year worldwide from a variety of causes.
Final Thought – The Ultimate Battleground
As I considered the awful sacrifice that was made on the battlefield of Gettysburg and all of the other battlefields around the world, another thought came to mind.
The millions who have died fighting for freedom have had a great impact on the lives we live today. Though they are not perfect, we celebrate our liberties and freedom to live as we choose.
While I have reverence for those who have died for the noble cause of freedom, I also realize that not one of those deaths was sufficient to offer my soul freedom.
Slaves were set free from their physical bondage, but many of them were already spiritually free because of their belief in Jesus Christ. We all need to be set free from our spiritual bondage. As humans, we are all in bondage to sin and disobedience to the God who created us.
It is man’s disobedience to God that has caused the bloodshed and warring throughout history. This is unfortunately a tragic truth.
The Battlefield of Calvary
There is only one death in the history of man that has offered freedom for my soul and yours. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the only sacrifice sufficient for that purpose.
The battle that was fought by Jesus on the cross had eternal consequences…and He WON!
Jesus not only died for the cause of freedom, but He rose again in victory over death itself. He offers and promises eternal life and freedom to those who will surrender their lives to Him.
It is a sort of oxymoron. To truly be free, we must surrender. But our surrender to God is not in defeat. It is an act of faith.
Faith in His character. Faith in His mercy. Faith in His Promises. Faith in His abilities. Faith in His Mercy. Faith in the Grace that He extends to us.
As we read and study His Word, the bible, we see His track record and the faith of those that have gone before us.
Jesus’ sacrifice and victory are events that we should recognize, reverence and celebrate. They are also gifts that we should gladly receive.
He has fought the battle and won…FOR US!
I encourage you to choose freedom. Why willingly allow yourself to be in bondage to sin, destruction and death?
Choose freedom by surrendering your life to God through Jesus Christ. He frees you from the torment and destruction of sin. He replaces death with eternal life in a place where there are no more tears, no more sickness, no more death. That is His promise to all of us.
I have personally experienced the freedom that God offers in this world and look forward to experiencing the promises He makes about the future and eternity.
Let me make it plain. Being a follower of Jesus Christ doesn’t mean there won’t be any more battles in your life. But He does promise that when there is a battle, He will be with you to walk through it together. True and Complete Freedom can be yours! Ask Jesus.